Intro To Skin Anti-Aging
28 days
The highly effective 360° program to maintain a youthful appearance.
Intro To Skin Anti-Aging
As we age, our skin loses its ability for self-repair, resulting in loss of elasticity, dehydration and development of wrinkles and lines.
A consistent 360°anti-aging skin and self-care routine can limit skin aging by supplying all the vital elements that are lacking and support critical skin mechanisms.
Besides systematic skincare routines it is essential to establish healthy diet- and lifestyle habits.
A 360° healthy body ages better and will look young and "well" for a longer time.FACE SKINCARE↑ GREEN COFFEE ENZYME CLEANSER: For natural skin regeneration.
↑ HYDRATING FACE MASK: For moisture and a smooth and supple skin.
↑ CLEANSING FACE MASK: To bind old skin particles for a refined complexion.
↑ CELLULAR RESURGENCE SERUM: The most potent compounds for deep skin regeneration.
↑ HYDRATE FACIAL MOISTURIZER: For deep moisturization and a soft skin texture.
↑ FABULOUS FACE RECOVERY MIST: Against free radicals for a relaxed and radiant complexion.
BODY SKINCARE↑ HIGH DOSE BODY BALM: To boost elasticity, sooth lines, strengthen the skin barrier and activate cell renewal.
SUPPLEMENTS↑ 360°: To support your skin structure from within.
↑ BIOTIC 20/5 BILLION: To positively affect your microbial balance and, thus, your body's cellular aging process.
NUTRITION↑ BURNING MAN SHOT: To support the detox process and boosts your immune system. A balanced immune system supports "healthy aging".
↑ LIQUID MOISTURIZER SHOT: For deep nourishment and to support skin structure and stability. To promote your skin's cell-metabolism and hydrate your skin long-term.
↑ LIFE BLOOD JUICE: To help fight free radicals, protect the skin against photodamage and prevent wrinkles and inflammation.
↑ THE RADIATOR JUICE: The juice for hair and skin health.
↑ SUPERGREEN JUICE: For vital antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components.
↑ REHAB JUICE: To balance your body's natural regeneration processes and help eliminate toxins that may have negative effects on your skin's appearance.
- Driven by hormones and complex biophysical processes, the skin follows a 24-hour day-night rythm just like yourself.
During the day it is acting as a barrier to external factors and during the night it enters a "recovery phase".
A customized morning and evening skincare routine will do the trick in order to feed your skin with what it needs at exactly the right moment.
- These days put a particular focus on skin hydration.
Strict hydrating patterns support biophysical properties and barrier function of the skin that are negatively affected by cold and wet winter weather, heated and dry rooms and sitting in front of the computer all day.
A bi-weekly detox day supports your skin in 2 ways:
Topic detox extract toxins from your skin's surface and make you look refreshed and rejuvenated.
An additional physical detox eliminates toxins from your body that negatively impact on your skin's appearance.
This program is no medical advice. Please consult a dermatologist in case of any existing skin condition (e.g. acne or neurodermitis). Should you observe skin irritations or other abnormalities, please stop this program and consult your dermatologist.
Skincare Application & Routines
A consistent morning and evening anti-aging skincare routine is the key when it comes to supplying your skin with what it needs to maintain a youthful appearance.
Skincare Application & Routines
Our morning skincare routine prepares your skin for what is coming during the day and "prevention" and "protection" are in focus. Our evening skincare routine focuses on the skin's nightly repair processes and supplies it with all the essential support substances.
Nutrition & Gut Health
The right nutrition is a key component of skin care as selected supportive foods and a healthy gut microbiome can support all the critical processes that keep your skin healthy and fight aging.
Nutrition is closely associated with your skin's appearance as, via multiple channels, it can impact the skin's metabolism and repair mechanisms and hence slow down or reverse aging processes.
2 - 4 capsules of 360° /day. Certain micronutrients, vitamins and nutritional compounds have a direct impact on the skin's metabolism and health. Antioxidants limit the damaging effects of free radicals on the skin. Certain vitamins have an anti-infammatory effect and support the barrier funtion of the skin. Best known examples are Vitamin C which can directly support the skin's collagen synthesis, or Vitamin E which can reduce skin inflammation.
Antioxidants are substances that can prevent or even reverse cell damage. An anti-aging effect may be related by their ability to fight free-radicals which are involved in skin damage and result in wrinkles and inflammation. Best explored antioxidants are vitamin C and E, carotenoids and lycopenes, amongst others. OPC (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) are extracts from grape seeds and have been described to be highly powerful antioxidants (20 times more powerful than Vitamin C) that assist in the protection of collagen and elastin and tighten and firm the skin.
Essential fatty acids are crucial in maintaining human health, but cannot be created by the human body itself. They need to be taken in with the diet. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids play a crucial role in normal body growth and development and support human brain function. While Omega-3 is an important component of cell membranes throughout the body, omega-6 helps to stimulate skin and hair growth.
Natural polypohenols are compounds which can be found in certain plants, fruit (e.g. mango), nuts (e.g. almonds) and legumes and act as powerful anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Recent studies have also linked polyphenols to cancer prevention and shown their prebiotic, micorbiome supporting ability.
Gut Health
A balanced gut microbiome (billions of essential bacteria, fungi and microorganisms) is directly linked to overall physical health and has recently been found to also prevent skin aging. A well-composed nutrition is a key factor here.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. The role of the microbiome in human aging has yet to be fully understood, but a multitude of research shows that a balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin. Gut and digestive problems (e.g. food intolerances) can have a direct negative impact on your skin and even cause as much as chronic infammatory conditions. Maintaining a healthy gut routine is essential to maintain an overall healthy body and healthy skin.
Supporting Nutrition
Nuts and legumes are rich sources of zinc, selenium and Vitamin E. Selenium and Zinc are directly linked to improving the cellular immune system and therefore protect your body against pathogens. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Almonds are a very rich source of antioxidants and vitamin E and hence have a direct anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effect. They are rich in protein, fiber, polyphenols and polyunsaturated fatty acids and have recently been proclaimed to also support microbiome health by fostering the gut's bacterial ecosystem.
Soy is considered to be a rich source of minerals and polyunsaturated fats like omega-3 and omega-6. Soybeans also contain so-called isoflavones, which among several other functions, have antioxidant abilitites and, according to serveral studies, reduce the signs of skin aging. Soy is very rich in plant protein and contains all nine essential amino acids in one source.
Sea buckthorn oil contains a multitude of vitamins, minerals, mono- and polyunsaturated fats as well as other health beneficial compounds. It is also rich in important antioxidants, which help to protect your body against diseases and slow down the aging process. Buckthorn oil is one of the few plants which provides all four omega fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6, omega-7 and omega-9.) in one source.
Protein or its building blocks amino acids are key components in a healthy body, as they make up hormones, enzymes, cell walls and support crucial biochemical processes in your body. Important structural proteins are specifically elastin, collagen and keratin all of which are key components for healthy hair, skin and nails. Dietary protein is therfore essential in order to maintain and support the constitution and repair of a healthy body and skin, hair and nail tissues.
Leafy greens are a great plant-based source of protein, essential multivitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants. They are also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids (see section: essential fatty acids) and chlorophyll, which enhances the oxygen transportation in the human body. As they are rich in fiber, they also have a gut supporting function.
Especially fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, and herring are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important in maintaining skin hydration and overall health. Fish is also a great source of protein and vitamin D.
Oral hydration plays a key role in the microcirculation of the skin. It is essential to drink at least 2 litres of water or unsweetened tea every day to ensure better circulation of your tissues and the flushing out toxins. Hydration of the skin from the inside gives you puffy, glowy skin.
Food/Drinks To Watch Out For
Among others, these food and drink groups should be consumed with caution and in moderation to achieve best results.
When consumed in excess and on a regular basis, alcohol dehydrates the body and stresses the liver. This compromises the body's regenerative cycle while sleeping, decreasing normal cell turnover and may lead to premature aging and wrinkles. When excessive toxins build up in the deeper layers of the skin, inflammation can develop and appear as skin irritation, fine lines and wrinkles and other signs of aging.
Avoiding foods that release artificial sugars into the system reduces the glycation of elastin fibers and collagen in your skin. Glycation can accelerate skin aging and increases skin stiffness. If you have a sweet tooth, rather endulge on fruit (e.g., blueberries: rich in antioxidants) that are not just sweet but also counter skin aging.
Red meat can have a negative impact on our cardivascular health, as most of us already know. But with regards to our skin, it can also have many negative effetcs. Meat from grain-fed farm animals may contain large amounts of omega-6, which in moderation is good for the body, but if consumed in excess can be the cause of skin inflammation. Mass-farmed animals are also often treated with hormones and antibiotics, all of which remain in the meat and have the ability to irritate our skin. Red meat has been found to contain high levels of a compound called L-carnitine which, according to recent studies, makes blood vessel wall hard and speeds up aging. Furthermore, high salt levels of cured meats can cause water retention in the body and skin and lead to skin swelling.
Found in:Salami, smoked hams, prosciutto
If consumed in moderation, caffeine can enhance ciculation and hence blood and oxygen supply to your skin. It also contains antioxidants and polyphenols which can counter free radicals. However, what should be avoided are large amounts of cream, sugar, syrups and else that are added to your coffee and negatively impact your skin (see sugar/dairy). Furthermore, excessive coffee drinking can results in gut acidity, and elevated stress levels (e.g., increased heart rate), all of which then have a negative effect on your skin, e.g. inflammation. Therefore coffee should be consumed in moderation (2-3 cups/day), without additives and preferably be made from good quality, organic coffee beans.
Dairy is not bad per se, and natural and sugar-free products such as real greek yoghurt and kefir can contain probiotics that improve digestion and have anti-infammatory effects. Key is to watch out for added-sugars that many dairy products contain in abundance. Some research suggests that diary can also stimulate oil production and cause skin inflammation, particularly in predisposed skin, so it's important to evaluate your own dairy tolerance and intake and figure out what's best for you and your skin.
Habits & Activities
For maximum results, the program considers all key influencing factors on skin and body processes in a unique 360° approach.
Supporting Habits
Skin anti-aging goes beyond your daily skincare routines. Your lifestyle and daily habits are crucial to maintain a youthful appearance.
A 5-10 minutes massage to the face, either with hands or a gua-sha stone. Movements should be performed from the inside to the outside of the face along the lymph lines in order to perform lymph drainage and remove access water (especially after sleeping/laying flat at ight). With smoothing and pinching movements it may help tone muscles, kneading enhances collagen and elastin production and finger whipping boosts cell regenerative processes for firmer skin.
A great way to perform a lymph drainage, reduce water accumumulation in the tissue, increase circulation and hence reduce or prevent cellulite.
Step in the shower and before turning on the water use 5-10 minutes for your dry-brushing session. Start from your feet and go up your body in light, circular movements. Use a natural brush. Make sure not to use too much pressure in order not to damage your skin.
People with skin condition (e.g., atopic dermatitits) should not perform this procedure and sensitive areas (rashes, wounds, cuts, infections) must be avoided.
If your skin is too sensitive, you can use a plain, dry washcloth.
If you notice redness, swelling or inflammation while brushing, stop right away.
Be sure to apply lotion afterward to give moisture back to your skin and clean your brush once a week using soap and water.Studies show that exercise may prevent premature aging by decreasing inflammation, improving the energy metabolism and preventing skin deterioration through increased blood flow which helps carry away waste products including free radicals.
Try and introduce a 15 minute meditation in your morning or evening rituals every 2nd day as stress is closely linked to a faster aging process. Not only do signs of chronic stress often refect topically as increased wrinkles and stress lines but chronic stress also leads to body dysfunctions such as increased levels of cortisol. This leads, in turn, to reduced immune function and wound healing and according to some studies direct damage to the skin's DNA. Stress-indused reactive ocygen species, which directly damage the skin, are another theory of how chronic stress supports aging.
Your "beauty sleep" is really important for you. Your skin follows a day-night-rythm which is supported by hormones and internal processes and helps your skin to repair and regenerate over night. If you continously interrupt this natural rhythm, your skin can't kick off these essential night-time repair processes and problematic and faster aging skin can be the result. Poor sleep can lead to increased levels of cortisol which prompts the skin to increase sebum (oil) production, leading to clogged up pores and higher development of inflammation and bacteria.
Impairing Habits
Skin anti-aging goes beyond your daily skincare routines. Avoid these habits as much as possible to maintain a youthful appearance.
Smoking reduces elastin and collagen fibers which impairs skin structure and stability and may contribute to wrinkles and premature aging. Nicotine causes blood vessels to narrow, reducing oxygen flow and nutrients to skin cells.
The cool-toned "blue light" emitted by LED lights or our digital devices causes oxidative stress and free radicals and breaks down the skin's collagen supply.With its short-wave length it aggressively penetrates into our skin, harms our skin barrier function and creates inflammation. It can lead to premature aging, wrinkles and age spots.
The skin reacts to ultraviolet light (UV) with melanin production (color pigment) as a protective mechanism. With too high UV exposure, UV rays are being absorbed to such an extent that it can burn the skin, reduce elasticity and lead to premature aging. Direct damage to skin cell and immune cell DNA can result in various types of skin cancers.
Stress is strongly related to a higher production of cortisol which in turn negatively impacts your skin. Not only can it make your skin red, hot and puffy by opening blood vessels, it also increases dehydration by reducing the skin's ability to retain water and increases sebum production and hence fosters oily skin. Besides cortisol, emotional stress seems to have the ability to increase the release of proinflammatory mediators in the skin and hence support skin inflammation. Facial tension and agitation is a root cause of signs of aging such as wrinkles and lines (e.g., frown lines).
Healthy Recipes
Vegan soup & DALUMA food
Enjoy a hot vegan soup or specific food from DALUMA's in-store menu on your juice cleanse days in case you feel hungry.
- 15mL extra-virgin olive oil or coconut oil
- 1 white onion, finely chopped
- 2 medium carrots, diced
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 400g cauliflower florets
- 1 medium potato, diced
- 330g de-stemmed chopped kale
- 700mL low-sodium vegetable broth
- Juice of 1 lemon
- Salt and pepper, to taste
- In a large pot, warm olive oil on medium-low heat.
- Add onion and garlic in the oil until translucent.
- Add the cauliflower, carrot, kale, and potato, stir together, and cook for 5 more minutes.
- Add the vegetable broth.
- Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer uncovered for about 25 minutes, until the cauliflower and potato are tender.
- Transfer everything to a blender, squeeze in the lemon juice, and blend until smooth.
- Season with salt and pepper.
Come by our stores in Mitte, KuDamm or KaDeWe and enjoy the Blue Zone Protein Bowl for lunch.
- Sous-vide lemon and herb salmon
- Black rice
- Eggplant and olive caponata
- Parsley-babaganoush
- Spinach
- Swiss chard
- Lemon dressing
Come by our stores in Mitte, KuDamm or KaDeWe and enjoy the Blue Zone Protein Bowl for lunch.
- Edamame-quinoa
- Herb oil
- Zucchini spirelli
- Broccoli
- Spinach
- Swiss chard
- Lemon dressing
- Kalamata olives
Select your 28 day program depending on your skin type on the grounds of your own assessment or after consulting a dermatologist:
28 days
This is your weekly plan for normal skin. Follow this plan for at least 4-6 consecutive weeks to see results.
Program Overview Normal Skin
Strictly follow your daily skincare routine, nutrition and wellness habits to see effects. 2 Hydration Days every week give your skin an extra boost. Incorporate one juice cleanse day every week to eliminate toxins from your body that may negatively impact your skin's appearance.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
A toner serves to neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers while delivering active ingredients that nourish and counteract oxidative damage.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
15 minutes. Stress is closely linked to a faster aging process. Signs of chronic stress often refect topically as increased wrinkles and stress lines. Chronic stress also leads to body dysfunctions such as increased levels of cortisol. This leads to reduced immune function and wound healing and direct damage to the skin's DNA.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Step in the shower and before turning on the water use 5-10 minutes for your dry-brushing session. Start from your feet and go up your body in light, circular movements. Use a natural brush. Make sure not to use too much pressure in order not to damage your skin.
People with skin condition (e.g., atopic dermatitits) should not perform this procedure and sensitive areas (rashes, wounds, cuts, infections) must be avoided.
If your skin is too sensitive, you can use a plain, dry washcloth.
If you notice redness, swelling or inflammation while brushing, stop right away.
Be sure to apply lotion afterward to give moisture back to your skin and clean your brush once a week using soap and water.
It builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.An exfoliator goes deeper and removes dry and dead skin, makeup, pollution and other impurities from your pores.
Incorporate it 2x per week.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
A toner serves to neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers while delivering active ingredients that nourish and counteract oxidative damage.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Exercise may prevent premature aging by decreasing inflammation, improving the energy metabolism and preventing skin deterioration.
It builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
Various skin problems and sings of aging occur more frequently and severely as your skin dehydrates and therefore a particular focus on skin hydration with a dedicated routine is advisble.
Today, avoid dehydrating foods / liquids like coffee and drink 2L + tea or water.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
A toner serves to neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers while delivering active ingredients that nourish and counteract oxidative damage.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
15 minutes. Stress is closely linked to a faster aging process. Signs of chronic stress often refect topically as increased wrinkles and stress lines. Chronic stress also leads to body dysfunctions such as increased levels of cortisol. This leads to reduced immune function and wound healing and direct damage to the skin's DNA.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Step in the shower and before turning on the water use 5-10 minutes for your dry-brushing session. Start from your feet and go up your body in light, circular movements. Use a natural brush. Make sure not to use too much pressure in order not to damage your skin.
People with skin condition (e.g., atopic dermatitits) should not perform this procedure and sensitive areas (rashes, wounds, cuts, infections) must be avoided.
If your skin is too sensitive, you can use a plain, dry washcloth.
If you notice redness, swelling or inflammation while brushing, stop right away.
Be sure to apply lotion afterward to give moisture back to your skin and clean your brush once a week using soap and water.
It builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Wash it off with warm water after 20 minutes or leave it on to be fully absorbed by the skin.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
A toner serves to neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers while delivering active ingredients that nourish and counteract oxidative damage.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Exercise may prevent premature aging by decreasing inflammation, improving the energy metabolism and preventing skin deterioration.
It builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.An exfoliator goes deeper and removes dry and dead skin, makeup, pollution and other impurities from your pores.
Incorporate it 2x per week.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
Every second Friday is a juice cleanse day. 4 juices, 1 juice every 4 hours. Turn to our Detox Food options in case you are struggling with hunger.
Topic detox can extract toxins from your skin's surface and make you look refreshed and rejuvenated. An additional physical detox helps to eliminate toxins from your body that may negatively impact on your skin's appearance.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
A toner serves to neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers while delivering active ingredients that nourish and counteract oxidative damage.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
To support the detox process and boosts your immune system. A balanced immune system supports "healthy aging".
To balance your body's natural regeneration processes and help eliminate toxins that may have negative effects on your skin's appearance.
15 minutes. Stress is closely linked to a faster aging process. Signs of chronic stress often refect topically as increased wrinkles and stress lines. Chronic stress also leads to body dysfunctions such as increased levels of cortisol. This leads to reduced immune function and wound healing and direct damage to the skin's DNA.
Step in the shower and before turning on the water use 5-10 minutes for your dry-brushing session. Start from your feet and go up your body in light, circular movements. Use a natural brush. Make sure not to use too much pressure in order not to damage your skin.
People with skin condition (e.g., atopic dermatitits) should not perform this procedure and sensitive areas (rashes, wounds, cuts, infections) must be avoided.
If your skin is too sensitive, you can use a plain, dry washcloth.
If you notice redness, swelling or inflammation while brushing, stop right away.
Be sure to apply lotion afterward to give moisture back to your skin and clean your brush once a week using soap and water.
It builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
To help fight free radicals, protect the skin against photodamage and prevent wrinkles and inflammation.
The juice for hair and skin health.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Wash it off with warm water after 20 minutes and follow your usual skincare routine.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
For vital antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
A toner serves to neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers while delivering active ingredients that nourish and counteract oxidative damage.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Exercise may prevent premature aging by decreasing inflammation, improving the energy metabolism and preventing skin deterioration.
It builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
Various skin problems and sings of aging occur more frequently and severely as your skin dehydrates and therefore a particular focus on skin hydration with a dedicated routine is advisble.
Today, avoid dehydrating foods / liquids like coffee and drink 2L + tea or water.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
A toner serves to neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers while delivering active ingredients that nourish and counteract oxidative damage.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
15 minutes. Stress is closely linked to a faster aging process. Signs of chronic stress often refect topically as increased wrinkles and stress lines. Chronic stress also leads to body dysfunctions such as increased levels of cortisol. This leads to reduced immune function and wound healing and direct damage to the skin's DNA.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Step in the shower and before turning on the water use 5-10 minutes for your dry-brushing session. Start from your feet and go up your body in light, circular movements. Use a natural brush. Make sure not to use too much pressure in order not to damage your skin.
People with skin condition (e.g., atopic dermatitits) should not perform this procedure and sensitive areas (rashes, wounds, cuts, infections) must be avoided.
If your skin is too sensitive, you can use a plain, dry washcloth.
If you notice redness, swelling or inflammation while brushing, stop right away.
Be sure to apply lotion afterward to give moisture back to your skin and clean your brush once a week using soap and water.
It builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Wash it off with warm water after 20 minutes or leave it on to be fully absorbed by the skin.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
Oily Skin
28 days
This is your weekly plan for oily skin. Follow this plan for at least 4-6 consecutive weeks to see results.
Program Overview Oily Skin
Strictly follow your daily skincare routine, nutrition and wellness habits to see effects. 1 Hydration Day every week give your skin an extra boost. Incorporate one juice cleanse day every week to eliminate toxins from your body that may negatively impact your skin's appearance.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
15 minutes. Stress is closely linked to a faster aging process. Signs of chronic stress often refect topically as increased wrinkles and stress lines. Chronic stress also leads to body dysfunctions such as increased levels of cortisol. This leads to reduced immune function and wound healing and direct damage to the skin's DNA.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Step in the shower and before turning on the water use 5-10 minutes for your dry-brushing session. Start from your feet and go up your body in light, circular movements. Use a natural brush. Make sure not to use too much pressure in order not to damage your skin.
People with skin condition (e.g., atopic dermatitits) should not perform this procedure and sensitive areas (rashes, wounds, cuts, infections) must be avoided.
If your skin is too sensitive, you can use a plain, dry washcloth.
If you notice redness, swelling or inflammation while brushing, stop right away.
Be sure to apply lotion afterward to give moisture back to your skin and clean your brush once a week using soap and water.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.An exfoliator goes deeper and removes dry and dead skin, makeup, pollution and other impurities from your pores.
Incorporate it 3x per week.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Exercise may prevent premature aging by decreasing inflammation, improving the energy metabolism and preventing skin deterioration.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
15 minutes. Stress is closely linked to a faster aging process. Signs of chronic stress often refect topically as increased wrinkles and stress lines. Chronic stress also leads to body dysfunctions such as increased levels of cortisol. This leads to reduced immune function and wound healing and direct damage to the skin's DNA.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Step in the shower and before turning on the water use 5-10 minutes for your dry-brushing session. Start from your feet and go up your body in light, circular movements. Use a natural brush. Make sure not to use too much pressure in order not to damage your skin.
People with skin condition (e.g., atopic dermatitits) should not perform this procedure and sensitive areas (rashes, wounds, cuts, infections) must be avoided.
If your skin is too sensitive, you can use a plain, dry washcloth.
If you notice redness, swelling or inflammation while brushing, stop right away.
Be sure to apply lotion afterward to give moisture back to your skin and clean your brush once a week using soap and water.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.An exfoliator goes deeper and removes dry and dead skin, makeup, pollution and other impurities from your pores.
Incorporate it 3x per week.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Exercise may prevent premature aging by decreasing inflammation, improving the energy metabolism and preventing skin deterioration.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
Every second Friday is a juice cleanse day. 4 juices, 1 juice every 4 hours. Turn to our Detox Food options in case you are struggling with hunger.
Topic detox can extract toxins from your skin's surface and make you look refreshed and rejuvenated. An additional physical detox helps to eliminate toxins from your body that may negatively impact on your skin's appearance.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
To support the detox process and boosts your immune system. A balanced immune system supports "healthy aging".
To balance your body's natural regeneration processes and help eliminate toxins that may have negative effects on your skin's appearance.
15 minutes. Stress is closely linked to a faster aging process. Signs of chronic stress often refect topically as increased wrinkles and stress lines. Chronic stress also leads to body dysfunctions such as increased levels of cortisol. This leads to reduced immune function and wound healing and direct damage to the skin's DNA.
Step in the shower and before turning on the water use 5-10 minutes for your dry-brushing session. Start from your feet and go up your body in light, circular movements. Use a natural brush. Make sure not to use too much pressure in order not to damage your skin.
People with skin condition (e.g., atopic dermatitits) should not perform this procedure and sensitive areas (rashes, wounds, cuts, infections) must be avoided.
If your skin is too sensitive, you can use a plain, dry washcloth.
If you notice redness, swelling or inflammation while brushing, stop right away.
Be sure to apply lotion afterward to give moisture back to your skin and clean your brush once a week using soap and water.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
To help fight free radicals, protect the skin against photodamage and prevent wrinkles and inflammation.
The juice for hair and skin health.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.An exfoliator goes deeper and removes dry and dead skin, makeup, pollution and other impurities from your pores.
Incorporate it 3x per week.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Wash it off with warm water after 20 minutes and follow your usual skincare routine.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
For vital antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Exercise may prevent premature aging by decreasing inflammation, improving the energy metabolism and preventing skin deterioration.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
Various skin problems and sings of aging occur more frequently and severely as your skin dehydrates and therefore a particular focus on skin hydration with a dedicated routine is advisble.
Today, avoid dehydrating foods / liquids like coffee and drink 2L + tea or water.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
15 minutes. Stress is closely linked to a faster aging process. Signs of chronic stress often refect topically as increased wrinkles and stress lines. Chronic stress also leads to body dysfunctions such as increased levels of cortisol. This leads to reduced immune function and wound healing and direct damage to the skin's DNA.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Step in the shower and before turning on the water use 5-10 minutes for your dry-brushing session. Start from your feet and go up your body in light, circular movements. Use a natural brush. Make sure not to use too much pressure in order not to damage your skin.
People with skin condition (e.g., atopic dermatitits) should not perform this procedure and sensitive areas (rashes, wounds, cuts, infections) must be avoided.
If your skin is too sensitive, you can use a plain, dry washcloth.
If you notice redness, swelling or inflammation while brushing, stop right away.
Be sure to apply lotion afterward to give moisture back to your skin and clean your brush once a week using soap and water.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Wash it off with warm water after 20 minutes or leave it on to be fully absorbed by the skin.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
Dry Skin
28 days
This is your weekly plan for dry skin. Follow this plan for at least 4-6 consecutive weeks to see results.
Program Overview Dry Skin
Strictly follow your daily skincare routine, nutrition and wellness habits to see effects. 2 Hydration Days every week give your skin an extra boost of moisture. Incorporate one juice cleanse day every week to eliminate toxins from your body that may negatively impact your skin's appearance.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
A toner serves to neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers while delivering active ingredients that nourish and counteract oxidative damage.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
15 minutes. Stress is closely linked to a faster aging process. Signs of chronic stress often refect topically as increased wrinkles and stress lines. Chronic stress also leads to body dysfunctions such as increased levels of cortisol. This leads to reduced immune function and wound healing and direct damage to the skin's DNA.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Step in the shower and before turning on the water use 5-10 minutes for your dry-brushing session. Start from your feet and go up your body in light, circular movements. Use a natural brush. Make sure not to use too much pressure in order not to damage your skin.
People with skin condition (e.g., atopic dermatitits) should not perform this procedure and sensitive areas (rashes, wounds, cuts, infections) must be avoided.
If your skin is too sensitive, you can use a plain, dry washcloth.
If you notice redness, swelling or inflammation while brushing, stop right away.
Be sure to apply lotion afterward to give moisture back to your skin and clean your brush once a week using soap and water.
It builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
A toner serves to neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers while delivering active ingredients that nourish and counteract oxidative damage.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Exercise may prevent premature aging by decreasing inflammation, improving the energy metabolism and preventing skin deterioration.
It builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
Various skin problems and sings of aging occur more frequently and severely as your skin dehydrates and therefore a particular focus on skin hydration with a dedicated routine is advisble.
Today, avoid dehydrating foods / liquids like coffee and drink 2L + tea or water.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
A toner serves to neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers while delivering active ingredients that nourish and counteract oxidative damage.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
15 minutes. Stress is closely linked to a faster aging process. Signs of chronic stress often refect topically as increased wrinkles and stress lines. Chronic stress also leads to body dysfunctions such as increased levels of cortisol. This leads to reduced immune function and wound healing and direct damage to the skin's DNA.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Step in the shower and before turning on the water use 5-10 minutes for your dry-brushing session. Start from your feet and go up your body in light, circular movements. Use a natural brush. Make sure not to use too much pressure in order not to damage your skin.
People with skin condition (e.g., atopic dermatitits) should not perform this procedure and sensitive areas (rashes, wounds, cuts, infections) must be avoided.
If your skin is too sensitive, you can use a plain, dry washcloth.
If you notice redness, swelling or inflammation while brushing, stop right away.
Be sure to apply lotion afterward to give moisture back to your skin and clean your brush once a week using soap and water.
It builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Wash it off with warm water after 20 minutes or leave it on to be fully absorbed by the skin.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
A toner serves to neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers while delivering active ingredients that nourish and counteract oxidative damage.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Exercise may prevent premature aging by decreasing inflammation, improving the energy metabolism and preventing skin deterioration.
It builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
Every second Friday is a juice cleanse day. 4 juices, 1 juice every 4 hours. Turn to our Detox Food options in case you are struggling with hunger.
Topic detox can extract toxins from your skin's surface and make you look refreshed and rejuvenated. An additional physical detox helps to eliminate toxins from your body that may negatively impact on your skin's appearance.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
A toner serves to neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers while delivering active ingredients that nourish and counteract oxidative damage.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
To support the detox process and boosts your immune system. A balanced immune system supports "healthy aging".
To balance your body's natural regeneration processes and help eliminate toxins that may have negative effects on your skin's appearance.
15 minutes. Stress is closely linked to a faster aging process. Signs of chronic stress often refect topically as increased wrinkles and stress lines. Chronic stress also leads to body dysfunctions such as increased levels of cortisol. This leads to reduced immune function and wound healing and direct damage to the skin's DNA.
Step in the shower and before turning on the water use 5-10 minutes for your dry-brushing session. Start from your feet and go up your body in light, circular movements. Use a natural brush. Make sure not to use too much pressure in order not to damage your skin.
People with skin condition (e.g., atopic dermatitits) should not perform this procedure and sensitive areas (rashes, wounds, cuts, infections) must be avoided.
If your skin is too sensitive, you can use a plain, dry washcloth.
If you notice redness, swelling or inflammation while brushing, stop right away.
Be sure to apply lotion afterward to give moisture back to your skin and clean your brush once a week using soap and water.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
To help fight free radicals, protect the skin against photodamage and prevent wrinkles and inflammation.
The juice for hair and skin health.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Wash it off with warm water after 20 minutes or leave it on to be fully absorbed by the skin.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
For vital antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
A toner serves to neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers while delivering active ingredients that nourish and counteract oxidative damage.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Exercise may prevent premature aging by decreasing inflammation, improving the energy metabolism and preventing skin deterioration.
It builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.An exfoliator goes deeper and removes dry and dead skin, makeup, pollution and other impurities from your pores.
Incorporate it 1x per week.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.
Various skin problems and sings of aging occur more frequently and severely as your skin dehydrates and therefore a particular focus on skin hydration with a dedicated routine is advisble.
Today, avoid dehydrating foods / liquids like coffee and drink 2L + tea or water.
2 capsule of Biotic 20/5 Billion /day. 30 minutes before breakfast.
A balanced microbiome of the gastrointestinal system is directly linked to healthy skin.2-4 capsules to support your skin's metabolism and health.
Have one shot with breakfast for deep nourishment from within.
In the morning it can be enough to use a sponge/cloth and warm water to clean your skin. If you prefer, you can also use a light cleanser. For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
A toner serves to neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum. It also builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers while delivering active ingredients that nourish and counteract oxidative damage.
The moisturizer is the second last step of the skincare routine in the morning. Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the stresses of the day.
Daily morning application and last step of the morning skincare routine before leaving your house. UV damage is ultimately linked with aging. Ultraviolet light, especially UVA, is an important factor that induces skin oxidative stress. Sun-protection is therefore a key tool in any anti-aging strategy. There are oil-based and water based products, depending on your individual skin type and needs.
Moisturize your body every day after your morning shower to provide deep hydration for lasting glow.
15 minutes. Stress is closely linked to a faster aging process. Signs of chronic stress often refect topically as increased wrinkles and stress lines. Chronic stress also leads to body dysfunctions such as increased levels of cortisol. This leads to reduced immune function and wound healing and direct damage to the skin's DNA.
You can use your hands, a facial roller or a gua sha stone to massage your face.
Glide lightly over your face in upward, outward directions, pressing lightly.
Move your hands or gua-sha stone from your chin over your jawline towards your ears and down the neck in one movement.
Movements should always be from the centre to the periphery of your skin.
Continue with the same movement up your cheekbones and across your forehead.Step in the shower and before turning on the water use 5-10 minutes for your dry-brushing session. Start from your feet and go up your body in light, circular movements. Use a natural brush. Make sure not to use too much pressure in order not to damage your skin.
People with skin condition (e.g., atopic dermatitits) should not perform this procedure and sensitive areas (rashes, wounds, cuts, infections) must be avoided.
If your skin is too sensitive, you can use a plain, dry washcloth.
If you notice redness, swelling or inflammation while brushing, stop right away.
Be sure to apply lotion afterward to give moisture back to your skin and clean your brush once a week using soap and water.
It builds a protection shield against free radicals and harmful environmental influences.
Remove the pollutants and grease of the day as well as make-up.
For sensitive skin it might be advisable to use pH skin neutral and perfume free cleansers (check products, this information should be indicated). There are also oil-based and water based cleansers, depending on your individual skin type and needs.Neutralize the pH of the skin after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Wash it off with warm water after 20 minutes or leave it on to be fully absorbed by the skin.
Use the hyaluronic anti-pollution mist as a basis to prepare your skin for the application of your serum.
Apply this hyaluronic vitamin C compound on damp skin to get essential hydration for both, the surface and the deeper skin layers.
Apply it a few minutes after the serum to allow the serum to fully sink into your skin. This delivers deep hydration, for a skin that is prepared for the skin's repair and regeneration processes of the night.