During your juice cleanse you should not do any competitive sports or complete an extensive workout. The body is in a transition phase and does not receive its usual daily energy requirements. So be aware that your body is less efficient during the juice fast.
Exercise and sport are part of a healthy lifestyle. Since every person is different and every body reacts differently to a juice cleanse, no general statement can be made as to whether sport can be practiced during the multi-day phase.With the DALUMA App you will receive reminders and recommendations throughout the day so that you move enough without overdoing it.
Safe exercise during your juice cleanse
A long walk, brisk walking, yoga, and stretching exercises are particularly beneficial activities during fasting days.
Have you ever heard of foam rolling?
The Foam Roll is a lightweight foam roller that you can use to perform a deep tissue massage on yourself. Foam rolling may loosen muscle knots, reduce inflammation, and improve overall comfort. It can also increase your range of motion, flexibility and mobility while promoting blood and lymph flow.
Here you can find simple exercises to start foam rolling.
Additionally, particularly fresh air improves mood in the event of mood swings or irritability and ensures a clear head. If possible, don't just go for a walk outside.